
Celestial Phantasm
by Babs

Three travelers made their way through the forest, two white WereTigers and a large Polar WereBear. SilverFur and GentlePaws, the daughters of WhiteTalon were on their personal trek. The sisters had been traveling for several weeks visiting many tribes of various clans. HerbalRain the renowned healer had joined them this morning. The WereFolk traditions included the possibility that tribe members might elect to travel with trekkers for a time. This custom often helped to foster camaraderie and trust between the various clans and tribes, often resulting in friendships that lasted lifetimes. SilverFur and GentlePaws thought this aspect of the trek tradition was quite educational and they enjoyed the extra company on the trail as well.

In late afternoon overcast skies and an intermittent mist threatened to make the journey uncomfortable, so when SilverFur signaled an early end to the day, there was no argument from the others. Hiking ahead Silver found a group of caves that did not appear to be inhabited, she also liked that they were well off the ground and likely dry. Backtracking she found her traveling companions and led them to the caves, they chose one to use as a camp for the night. Once they concluded that the cave was free of predators each of them shook the dampness from their fur and changed from animal to half-form to full human, and unloaded their personal packs. While it was always easier and of course much safer to travel in their natural animal form most WereFolk seemed to prefer half-form or full human for social interaction particularly when they were with members of other tribes or clans.

SilverFur built a fire well back from the cave entrance. After determining that GentlePaws and HerbalRain did not need her help she moved over to one side of the cave and began to unpack her traveling bag. She knew the two new friends were engrossed in conversation about herbal treatments for this and that and figured they would naturally just keep right on talking and most likely fix a meal without even thinking.

She leaned back against the cave wall and closed her eyes. Her befuddled mood and emotions were threatening to overtake her good sense, so as she often did Silver went through a mental exercise to calm her nerves. This was an action one of her old teachers had often suggested as a way to settle the mind for sleep the night before a tournament or quest. Her favorite was reviewing her memory for lessons she had learned about the gifts of Diana from the elders in her tribe. These capabilities included the transfiguration that made them WereFolk, the mysteries of relative comparability and her favorite the TwixtSkills that gave them the ability to transmute objects.


All WereFolk are born in their natural animal form. But some species including tigers immediately transform to human and remain in that form for a time. Some believe that is why many WereTigers are such fine artists and quite proficient with weaponry as well. They learn to use their "hands" before they learn to use their "paws" and as a result are better fighters in half form, whether they decide to use hands or paws for the arising situation. The skills referred to as transfiguration are taught at different maturity stages based on tribal custom for all WereFolk. With tigers these skills are generally taught around 8 - 10 human years.

Young WereFolk are taught in early training that part of Diana's gift, sometimes referred to as transmutation was that personal effects such as clothing, supplies and eventually weapons that might be useful in half and human form could become part of body mass during the change to animal form. As young ones they are taught by tribal elders how to determine the appropriate size pack they should be able to successfully carry through the transformation. The size of their pack would be adjusted according to their maturity, body type, size and most particularly skill level. Generally during growing years no more than 6 - 12 % of human weight could be carried without mishap through the transformation. This added weight would translate to additional body mass in half and animal form. With maturity and growth the percentage could be larger but without the appropriate skills the additional weight would be more of a hindrance than an aid. Many young ones had to learn the hard way that just adding more supplies wouldn't make them bigger and stronger in their animal forms. While an extra 5% in pack size would certainly add bulk, if a young one were not mentally and physically capable a pack of utensils could end up sticking out of an otherwise sleek and furry back. This could make walking on all fours hard enough but cross-country training next to impossible. It would be necessary to immediately attempt to transform to their human forms. Reduce the pack size appropriately and then change back to animal before they were caught by someone who might report them to an elder who could decide to give them punishment detail or restrict their free time.

SilverFur smiled to herself remembering a little test she had once tried with a backpack when she was 9 years old. She had followed all the rules and listened very well during the training sessions. The teachers put the young ones through various exercises teaching them control of their transmutation skills. SilverFur had taken to these lessons quite well and had impressed her teachers with her abilities. But as so often happens with young ones she got cocky and decided to experiment on her own. Finding herself all alone in the family habitat was just too good an opportunity to pass up. It was late evening and her parents WhiteTalon and SnowFire had gone to the communal hall for a meeting; GentlePaws was spending the night with a friend.

Just as her teacher had taught her in class SilverFur had folded a blanket and tied the corners into the proper knots to hold it together. But instead of just filling the blanket pack with a few items of folded clothing and her traveling boots she had also stuffed it with her bedding and to add weight she had emptied the contents of one of the kitchen drawers into the center of the pack. Shrugging the pack onto her back she closed her eyes and relaxed her mind and began to visualize as she had been taught, repeating in her mind the proper words to transmute herself and her accoutrements to her desired form.

These very simple words had been handed down in the beginning. The incantation and the art of visualization that Diana taught to the FirstOnes, the skill that allows the WereFolk to change from human to half-form to their natural animal form.

As it is, as it will be
To my desired form take me
Diana, look into my soul
By your will make me whole.

The elders taught the young ones to picture in their mind's eye their bodies changing to half form first. This was taught in the first few weeks, for most it was easy to visualize themselves half-human and half-tiger… It was much like a game and taught them control as the teachers would have them sometimes will themselves to be top half human and bottom half tiger and then reverse it and then the best fun a blend of the two.

Once the young ones became proficient at the transfiguration to half form the time was right to begin the transmutation skills. SilverFur and her age mates had spent the last few weeks in training on these skills and while SilverFur had enjoyed them greatly she was quite anxious to test her skills on her own.

SilverFur imagined her small form lengthening and changing first to half form, she always preferred a blended half form for herself, and then to full tiger. Willing the pack to become part of her body mass, perhaps she tried too hard, or perhaps she was distracted by a noise. In any case she heard her younger sister's laughter as she whirled around and around trying to shake loose the huge spoon handle sticking out of her left side. GentlePaws' trilling laughter distracted SilverFur for long enough that she almost forgot what to do. But finally she willed herself to stop spinning around and calmly willed herself back to half-form… then to human… shrugging off the bulky back pack she chased her little sister around the habitat until they both burst into giggles…

GentlePaws explained through her giggles that she had forgotten her favorite book and had come home to get it before sleep time. She promised SilverFur if she would take her fishing tomorrow that she wouldn't tell about the spoon. As always SilverFur smiled at her younger sister and agreed to her wishes, she had planned on taking Paws with her in any case.

Another of the gifts Diana had bestowed on the WereFolk had to do with comparative or relative size and strength. While humans are roughly similar in size and physical characteristics, animals come in various sizes. In order for all of the groups of animals that Diana transformed to WereFolk to be able to work in concert they had to have certain similarities. So all of them while in human form were basically consistent in relative size and physical characteristics. Meaning that crows, sharks, elephants, cats, bears or whatever could change into a human form that was relative to each other as opposed to their natural form. So if a bear was small and strong relative to other bears upon transfiguration his human form would be small and strong relative to other humans. Similarly an owl that is large and weak in comparison to other owls, once transformed would result in a human large and weak in comparison to other humans.

With time all WereFolk learned that if they were well trained and mentally equipped they could transmute to their appropriate body size and mass whether they were dressed or carrying a pack or not by using TwixtSkills.

TwixtSkills allowed all WereFolk who were properly trained to safely transmute between their forms as needed with or without accessories. Otherwise in cold climates upon transformation there would have been naked humans running around trying to find clothes or maybe a bunch of WereCats dressed in clothes that would hinder their various activities.

It was said that the Twixt was in reference to some kind of nether or mid place that objects were sent to when not being used by their owner. Usually this would mean clothes, supplies and weaponry that a WereFolk might normally use. Masters with very special talents could even send things to Twixt, as a gift for another to be passed at the time the other needed it most. It was also possible to store things there for safekeeping for a time, to be claimed when desired. According to myth WereFolk objects went to this place if they were willed there during transfiguration and could be reclaimed by their rightful owner as needed through transmutation. Masters with very special talents could even send things to Twixt, as a gift for another to be passed at the time the other needed it most. This even included items that had belonged to deceased WereFolk if the heir's mental skills were good enough to properly perform the correct TwixtSkills. But interestingly enough "the Twixt" would not allow something to come to a WereFolk who had duplicity in their hearts no matter how good their skills were.

Silver recalled during an early training lesson of transmutation how she had come out of her tiger form to half form with a sword in her hand. It had not been planned; she had just been visualizing a sword her father had described the night before. He had told her that the sword had been lost when his grandfather had drowned during a sea battle. According to witnesses some great sea beast had swallowed the sword, but no one had known for sure.

That night when she showed the sword to her father he told her that he was sure it was the same one and the fact that she was able to claim it from the Twixt meant that it rightfully belonged to her. She had never felt so proud before, and her father seemed to look at her with a new respect. Indeed SilverFur was considered by all of the teaching elders in her tribe to be a natural soldier and that chances were good with proper training and patience she could be a Twixt Master.


As always thinking of these things helped to relax SilverFur and she began to feel better, but she was quite tired and somewhat distracted. She had been unsettled all day; she couldn't describe exactly what it was that made her uneasy. She just felt odd, but not wishing to worry GentlePaws she kept it to herself. It was as if she had been walking through a dream, as if the things she saw were not really there. Earlier in the day when the sun had been out it seemed as if it had a shadow on one side. Somehow it was familiar but she couldn't say why, it was disconcerting. From time to time she had found herself daydreaming and having feelings that she couldn't reconcile with her surroundings.

They had spent the last few days with one of the many WereBear tribes; this had been one of the Polar clans. GentlePaws had insisted they make this stop on their trek, she had been hoping the tribe's famous healer HerbalRain would be in residence and it had of course worked out just that way. By chance HerbalRain was ready to tour the local tribes when they were preparing to leave and asked if she could travel with them. It seemed a great idea to GentlePaws and SilverFur saw no reason to object. GentlePaws had often shown an interest in the ways of healing and had hoped to someday find a great healer to study with. This may be a way to find out what HerbalRain thought of such a desire. In any case it kept GentlePaws busy. This pleased SilverFur immensely; the last thing she wanted right now was to have to answer a lot of questions about why she was so preoccupied with her own thoughts lately.

HerbalRain was the healer for this part of Dreemlyn and had been resting at home for a time, but now she wanted to visit the other tribes to determine how the various apprentices she had left from the prior season were faring. SilverFur listened in on the conversation that was taking place on the other side of the fire. GentlePaws was telling HerbalRain about her interest in the apprentice program and it seemed that the healer was more than willing to discuss it in detail. This conversation was likely to go on for quite some time. Silver leaned back against the cool cave wall, closing her eyes, hoping to perhaps quiet the pounding in her head.

She tried to relax her mind but fleeting feelings of a romantic nature kept disrupting her thoughts; Silver knew they were remnants from recent dreams. These dreams had been so intense that she had often awakened overheated and growling, her mind filled with visions of a powerful dark male WereCat. She could not place him as folk she knew or even be sure what clan or tribe he might be, but somehow she felt she should recognize him.

For the past 2 nights this male had frequented her dreams, and through the days she had been remembering pieces of these dreams. Visions of this male moving through her mind's eye, he was dark perhaps black, her first inclination was panther or leopard, but that did not feel right… she could not concentrate. In the dreams he had kept alternating back and forth between his various forms, obviously highly agitated and emotional… WereCat to half-form to full human, mumbling to himself all the while, he seemed to be pleading with the sky to do something for him. It was as if he was arguing with the sun and the moon, beseeching them to do his will, his hands upraised, in the dreams she sensed he was a powerful magician, a wizard of some type. He kept repeating an incantation, but she could not hear the words clearly. Here and there… one or two words would come through… like the sun, the moon… fate… chaos… time… SheTiger… but it made no sense to her.

No matter how hard she concentrated SilverFur could not make out his form; he was surrounded by mist. He had long flowing dark hair and pleasant features, lips full and sensuous, a slight hint of facial hair that only accentuated his defined cheekbones and intense eyes. It was as if those eyes were seeing into her soul… she knew it was impossible but he was staring at her, telling her he was coming for her. She was beginning to feel hot rushes throughout her body. A craving hunger she had never felt before began in the pit of her stomach… part of her felt it was silly to be thinking of these things now. But she couldn't help herself… her mind was racing... Feelings she did not know how to deal with were coursing through her body... like surges of heat...

If she had asked, GentlePaws could have told SilverFur that what she was feeling was natural, just a hormonal rush that happens to females as they experience romantic yearnings. But SilverFur would be much too embarrassed to mention such a thing to her little sister. This was one topic in which GentlePaws was more knowledgeable and mature than she was. SilverFur had always been more interested in strategy and weaponry. In the past when any romantic feelings had started she had repressed them by learning some new fighting form or mastering a new weapon. But this time the feelings were overwhelming her, threatening to distract her beyond any diversion she could imagine. Silver knew if she told GentlePaws how she was feeling it would only bring on some major discussion about being past the age when most females were already banded to a mate.

The quiet voices and the warmth of the fire relaxed SilverFur to the point that the pounding in her head eased and she felt herself falling asleep. Almost immediately he was before her… handsome masculine half-form feline features… changing to human now… long streaming hair… those eyes, those beautiful eyes… staring into her very soul… pleading with her to come to him, pleading with her to let him taste her sweet lips. She felt the heat rising as never before… he backed away saying, "you will be with me soon… my most precious love… you will know the touch of my breath against your cheek… my lips against yours… I shall teach you the ways of love…. Listen to me… hear me… soon… sooner… soonest… My dearest Sweetheart… my soul mate throughout all history."

She watched as he backed away… his sweet full lips forming her name… SilverFur… My SheTiger for all time… SilverFur… SilverFur… She could see his chest… her eyes moving down his body; she was aching to see all of him… Her breathing was rapid… she came out of her sleep in a rush… growling and startled as she realized that her sister was shaking her shoulder gently and saying her name over and over again… GentlePaws had a look of concern on her kind face. SilverFur realized that she was in an emotional state, she could only hope that her sister would not comment too much about it.

As SilverFur came fully awake she changed into her human form. GentlePaws patted her shoulder, smiled, stood up and walked back toward the fire. SilverFur realized that dinner was ready and that it was altogether possible that her situation would be ignored. If HerbalRain had noticed anything she kept it to herself as discussion once again turned toward healing matters between the two. SilverFur rose and walked to the stew pot hanging over the fire. She was not really hungry, but knew she needed to eat something. She helped herself to a bit of the savory stew and picked up a hard roll that had been set to warm on a rock near the fire. As she looked up, she felt GentlePaws eyes watching her, ever the vigilant nurturer… a question in her eyes. SilverFur realized it was only out of concern, and just smiled at her sister nodding her head in such a way that GentlePaws would know she was alright. Of course the stew was excellent, SilverFur could always count on Gentle Paws to make sure that they had a good meal, after all her sister had won awards for her cooking skills.

Because of who their father was the two sisters were compelled to excel at everything they tried. WhiteTalon's reputation preceded them everywhere they went and making him proud was very important to them. So from an early age both girls had taken on each new pursuit as a personal hurdle to overcome and had always become the best at whatever they attempted. SilverFur for example was the champion archer of all of the WereTribes whereas GentlePaws had become a culinary expert and had won every cooking contest she ever entered. Luckily the two of them had never been interested in exactly the same thing, otherwise it could have put a strain on the relationship. The two sisters were as different as night and day in many respects, but not in their love for each other. That was a constant and could be felt by all who knew them, if one was sick or injured the other would become the caretaker.

SilverFur smiled to herself as she realized that GentlePaws had been watching to make sure she ate, but was being very subtle about it. After finishing her stew, she stood up and stretched, then slowly transformed into half and then her animal form and padded out to survey the area surrounding the cave. Just as GentlePaws considered it her responsibility to make sure they ate well, SilverFur always tried to make sure they were safe. Besides time alone would give her a chance to clear her head before she tried to go to sleep for the night.

As she left the cave she sighed to herself noticing that even though HerbalRain and GentlePaws were carrying on a constant stream of conversation they each seemed to watch her carefully as if they were checking for symptoms or something. SilverFur was certain if she could just have a goodnight's rest it would solve everything. But she began to wonder if the dreams would come again tonight… she was not sure which she wanted more… for them to stop… to continue… or to come to some kind of conclusion… It was as if her life was not her own anymore, like someone else was controlling her destiny, and while this was not something she took lightly… for some reason she knew this male she was dreaming about was real… and somehow she knew she could trust him. Almost as if her heart recognized him, but she was sure she had never met him.

Past lives came to mind, but she had never really understood much about myth and magic, whether or not the legends were true or just tales. Then she recalled how she had felt in the dreams that he was a wizard or magic being of some kind. Suddenly she wished she had paid more attention to the various discussions around the campfires when she had been a young one. There was a vague recollection of stories and myths about the history of Dreemlyn and reincarnation. Something about how certain WereBeings were capable of great magic and illusion. As she searched her memories, she knew there was something about WereJaguars being supreme wizards and somehow having a unique connection to the legendary WereLynx. Maybe she would ask GentlePaws about it sometime, HerbalRain might have some insights as well. But not tonight… she hoped they would already be asleep by the time she completed her inspection.

Once Silver had completed a circuit of the area surrounding the cave and found no problems she went back inside. She was pleased to find that the others had cleaned up the remnants of the meal and transformed to their animal forms and had settled down to sleep. Quickly she transformed to half form… stoked up the fire and banked it… then was in full animal form by the time she reached her own sleeping area. She settled down and stared into the fire, debating with herself if she shouldn't try and stay awake. Fearing what would happen if the dreams returned and fearing what would happen if she didn't allow herself to sleep. Of course nature and perhaps a bit of curiosity got the best of her as she consciously quieted her breathing and her thoughts and allowed sleep to overtake her.


Some time later SilverFur awakened from what felt like a dead sleep. Unsure what had disturbed her rest, she rose to investigate. The only sound was the crackling of the fire, which appeared to be burning in extreme slow motion. She could see that GentlePaws and HerbalRain were safe and sleeping soundly, though their breathing seemed slow, like the fire.

Remaining in her tiger form Silver quietly made her way toward the cave entrance. There was an eerie glow shining into the opening, and as she got closer to the entrance she could just barely hear what sounded like chanting between guttural snarls and outright growls. She peered out and in a clearing some distance from the cave stood what was now becoming a familiar yet still strange figure. At the moment his back was to the cave entrance, she slipped out of the cave and made her way to a stand of trees. Very quietly she moved closer to where he stood; the fur on the back of her neck seemed to be standing on end. When she found a good vantage- point she settled down on her haunches to watch him.

He was standing over an altar that had been fashioned from a large boulder, in the center of the boulder was a round object, this glowing orb seemed to be the source of the strange light. He was in his half form, growling and snarling… his upper body rippling with powerful muscles as he reached toward the sky, one hand grasping toward the sun the other toward the sliver of the moon. The light from each moving down his arms in the direction of the globe before him. Growls and snarls rhythmically coming from him, she knew him now to be WereJaguar, there could no longer be any doubt. His powerful upper body and the rounded jaw-line, and no other WereCats were so magical as the members of the ShadowJaguar Tribe. They along with the fabled WereLynx were rumored to have been among the initial FirstOnes of Diana. SilverFur for the first time in her life was somewhat in awe of another, and to some degree frightened of what all of this might mean.

She held her breath watching as he now transformed to full human, his hair lengthening to flow around his shoulders… the sounds from his mouth became words, over and over he chanted as the light of the globe before him seemed to draw power from the sky through his wizardry.

By Diana we must meet
She and I to be complete

By Chaos and all of the Fates
Our Souls are Mates

By the Silver Moon, By the Golden Sun
In this as in all past times we shall be One

Find my SheTiger in her early days
Lead me to her side; help me find my way

Come together Sun and Moon
No difference Night and Noon

My SheTiger I must see
Bring my Sweetheart to Me

Time stand still, blend the hours
Bend to my will, a night of love shall be ours...

With the power of Celestial Phantasm and Eclipse
I shall again taste the honey of her sweet Lips

The lovers SilverFur and GhostHeart
Shall share their passion for this Night
In this time fickle chaos has kept us apart
But our mated souls must now… share such delight...

Suddenly the sounds stopped and SilverFur realized that she had been staring at the globe for a very long time. How this could be she did not know, she told herself it was a dream. But she knew better, this was somehow happening, it was real.

His soft voice said, "my most precious Sweetheart, come from the trees, come to me, our time is now."

She stood and without even thinking walked toward the glowing light, never had she felt so much love, so much passion in her heart. She did not realize that she was in her half form until she came close to him and his eyes reflected her form, quickly she transformed to full human and was relieved to find herself covered. His smile made her heart leap in her chest, and when his hand reached out and caressed her cheek her knees almost gave out.

SilverFur stared into his intense hazel eyes, she knew she should say something but her thoughts were jumbled, nothing made any sense. This male that she didn't know and yet she did, her heart was pounding so hard. His eyes, oh his eyes, how they mesmerized her, it was the love she saw there that hypnotized her. She did not know how he could love her, but he did, she felt it in his gaze, she felt it in his touch. She was staring at his full lips they were slightly parted, how she longed to taste them.

As if he read her mind he leaned down and gently kissed her lips, she felt as if her breath had been stolen… only to realize that she was gasping at the intense pleasure coursing through her. It was if her entire being were singing, thrills pulsed throughout her body, her soul had found its mate. She looked into those eyes and saw the longing he felt for her and the reflection of her lips smiling at him…

Slowly SilverFur backed away saying, "who are you, how is this happening, what are you doing to me, have you cast a spell on me, why are you here…"

Her voice trailed off as she saw within the globe before him what appeared to be the sun and the moon held in stasis as one. Looking closely she saw her face reflected in the golden brightness of the sun and his profile reflected in the silver sliver of the moon, their lips were matched up, poised for a kiss. When she looked up toward the sky there were no stars, no sun, and no moon… just the eerie light. She realized there were no sounds other than their breathing, no breeze, nothing.

Again, she looked up at him and asked, "please, tell me who you are and what is happening."

He smiled as he took her hands in his own and said, "Sweetheart, my name is GhostHeart and you are my dearest beloved. Our time is limited, I don't want to waste too much of it talking." He lightly kissed the palms of each of her hands as he placed them on either side of the globe, he said, "it is the enchantment of celestial phantasm, open your mind my most precious love, and you shall learn that which you need to know."

SilverFur knew she should be afraid, but for some reason she knew he would cause her no harm. She trusted him implicitly, to watch over her and to keep her safe. So she did as he asked, closing her eyes she opened her mind as she felt the globe between her hands pulse and throb.

Suddenly her mind was filled with images, like a story moving at rapid speed. Somehow she held on to the globe as it heated up in her hands and her mind soaked up the story, the pictures in her mind moving faster and faster. It was as if her perceptions were being overwhelmed with details and somehow she knew it was all right and that it would make sense to her eventually.

Her subconscious was absorbing generations of information, the story of two souls that were now SilverFur and GhostHeart, lovers throughout the span of the WereFolk ages. Destined by fate to spend each incarnation living together, loving together, and fighting side by side to the death together over and over throughout all WereFolk history. Sometimes living quiet lives together to a ripe old age after raising many young ones, other times living fast and hard passionate short lives and dying side by side. He a magical black WereJaguar and she a silver white WereTiger whose love for her mate and family was boundless. From the first generation of WereFolk to the last they were meant to be together, banded mates throughout time.

GhostHeart watched her face; he would know when the cruelest irony was revealed to her. His heart filled with love as he watched her smile and laugh and cry as all of their love throughout their many incarnations together was shown to her. The many children they had made together and watched grow up together, the wars they had fought together, the many times they had just stared at the sky together. The thousands of times they had made love… all of it. They were made to be together always together and then…. "The Great War".

Dreemlyn's fabric was torn by the war between the laws of fate and chaos… all the various beings and peoples of Dreemlyn were passionate and of so many varieties… war was often a fact of life. But this war… the one that many thought might have been that which Diana had created them to fight… tore apart many clans and tribes. This war tore the two lovers apart as well, not because they believed differently… oh no. In this as in all things they were together… the laws of fate had brought them together over the generations and each knew the other when their lips met for the first time in each incarnation. Their souls sang together in endless harmony at finding each other over and over.

In each incarnation fate brought them together shortly after her birthday in their 20th year, his was generally a few months before hers but never more than a year. Sometimes they met on trek, sometimes at tournaments, and sometimes they met just by chance on a busy market street. In all previous incarnations as soon as they looked into each other's eyes, utter peace flooded their souls, and as their lips met a song of love filled their spirit. Each knew at that moment that they were bound by fate to be together forevermore always.

He watched her face closely seeing the gladness in her expressions and the sadness as well when they had known their time was ending. But the calm smiling awareness when they would promise to find each other again in the next incarnation, and they would know that fate would always bring them together again. When he thought the time was near GhostHeart moved to catch her, he knew that when the ending of their last togetherness was shown to her Silver would want to be held. He watched her face and saw the slow smile that he knew so well, that smile that he always saw when they first met and the dawning awareness that they were destined to love forever. A blissful smile on her face as the happiness of their life together was revealed to her… then a frown crossed her sweet face… and he placed his arms around her and held her as she began to shake with sobs… while the ending of their last togetherness unfolded.


News of the war had not really penetrated their world too much as yet, they of course knew of it's development but the WereCat council had elected not to get involved, but to wait out what appeared to be a frivolous misunderstanding. The consensus had been… why fight over whether chaos or fate determined the course of life. Life was what it was; fighting over which law brought circumstances about would not change anything. Most felt it was a conceptual issue and something for religious leaders and wizards to work out. Unfortunately as often happens, gossip and personal beliefs had blown a difference of opinion out of proportion.

It was not yet known but an unscrupulous magician was using this war as an excuse to dabble in elements of dark magic that had been forbidden for many centuries. The various wizards and magicians that populated Dreemlyn followed a very strict code of ethics, these rules had been agreed to by the Sorcerers Guild long ago. Among the most stringent of these rules was that the Dark Mage Skills were not to be attempted…ever. Anyone caught outside the guild classrooms discussing these powers could be committed for a moon cycle to the Dreemlyn Sanitarium for the Chaotically Insane. But war can cause individuals to make irrational choices that often lead to chaotic results.


Before Diana created the WereFolk only humans were sorcerers, even so it was only by the grace of the gods that this was possible. Generally these charmers were only able to perform small feats of magic, simple illusions and a bit of mind trickery. They would entertain in the market places to pay their way and obtain goods by bartering with various amusements. The gods always kept an eye on what these magicians engaged in, taking turns since no one really wanted the responsibility permanently, after all they were only human sorcerers. But whenever a new magician began showing abilities a god was assigned to watch over them for a time to make sure that they didn't become too powerful. When Kar Nod, the God of Death, was given the assignment to watch over Dark Mage, a chain of events was begun that changed how magic was viewed on Dreemlyn forever.

Kar Nod was tired of being largely ignored unless someone was about to die. Prestige and standing among the gods was determined by the number of worshipers each had and of course the grandeur of temples built in their name. Since no one really saw the point of worshiping death no one had ever built a temple to praise Kar Nod. Wanting to advance his position among the gods he came up with a scheme that would attract more worshipers to him. No doubt Kar Nod could have performed these tricks himself but as gods went… laziness was a character trait in which he surpassed all others.

One of Dark Mage's best talents was his ability to induce trances and mesmerize. Realizing the potential of the wizard Kar Nod decided to boost his abilities by giving him skills that were godlike in nature. They were reanimation of the dead, creature fabrication and essence translocation; of course Kar Nod did not take into consideration exactly what this would mean. In enhancing a human he was unleashing powers that had previously only been available to the gods and once that force was free it would be very difficult if not impossible to halt it's momentum. Like all gods Kar Nod was certain in his own omniscience and so arrogant that he was sure he could control a mere human, enhanced or not.

Kar Nod visited Dark Mage in his sleep and through dreams empowered him with the skills. He had various ideas about how in combination with Dark Mage's ability to hypnotize and manipulate the human mind he would use him to convince any human to do anything up to and including donating all of their worldly goods in Kar Nod's name. He believed by the time he had completed Dark Mage's training he would have an instrument that would devote all of his energies to convince wealthy humans that the God of Death was worth their attention, and therefore they should build a temple and pray to him.

Of course as gods often do Kar Nod made a fatal error. He was so sure that Dark Mage would be a puppet and he would be able to control his every move. All Kar Nod had told Dark Mage about using his new skills was that together they would explore the possibilities and the limits of his power. Gods never do seem to understand that humans can be very curious and so greedy… and since Kar Nod never gave Dark Mage any specific instructions not to use his talents anyway he saw fit…

After all Dark Mage wasn't sure that it wasn't just a dream... So he began to experiment on small dead animals… he would just think, "move" toward the lifeless bodies… a half-decaying squirrel or bird would arise and hop around or bobble and sway to some unknown rhythm. The more he practiced the better he got at such things. But he learned quickly that dead humans were more fun to reanimate and more amusing as well… Dark Mage did have a cruel streak… but dead bodies were difficult to control and after awhile started to smell funny… When he was supposed to be planting ideas about Kar Nod's wishes in their minds he would rob his victims of their thoughts and take ideas from their dreams to frighten them. Using his fabrication skills he built nightmare images from their fears, such as winged dragons or 3 headed serpents. Then utilizing the third skill of translocation he would make these frightening apparitions appear before them and then blink into nothingness. Dark Mage enjoyed his new found fame and decided that he could become a powerful wizard.

Kar Nod should have at least told Dark Mage to practice his new skills quietly, to be sure that things were private and behind closed doors. When Diana had learned that Kar Nod had been assigned to the new wizard she decided that there could be trouble. One afternoon she wrapped herself in a cloak of invisibility and visited the market place to find out if the stories were true.

Soon after Diana reported her findings back to the other gods, Kar Nod was called before the Deity Conclave and stripped of his powers for 1000 moon cycles… he had to live as a mortal in Diana's temple with only his so called human puppet for company. As for Dark Mage his name was changed to Dark Dupe, his memory was rewritten and he did not even know why Kar Nod hated him so.

But the worst damage was done, the powers had been unleashed, and this force would create chaos where order had once existed. The weave of fate's tapestry was threatened and Dreemlyn would never be the same again. These magic abilities that from that point forward were referred to as Dark Mage skills were part of the fabric of Dreemlyn now. Any magician with above average intelligence could figure out how to use them almost by mistake. The Conclave argued about what to do, they did not want to have to watch over the magicians closely forever more. After much discussion a general agreement was reached and Diana agreed to handle the implementation of what became known as The Sorcerers Guild.

The guild's responsibility was to train young people who expressed an interest in learning sorcery and to help them learn control of the powers and not misuse them. The Dark Mage skills were discussed as a part of Dreemlyn history and the reasons for not experimenting with them were often debated. Over the centuries many magicians tested the limits from time to time, and when they were caught they were punished. The first time it was just a warning, if they were caught a second time they were committed for a moon to the sanitarium. This was usually enough to keep them from attempting the Dark Magic again. In extreme cases unlimited commitment did occur.

When the war began a difference of opinion caused a rift in the guild and the reasons for not using the Dark Mage skills no longer seemed valid to certain factions. Dissension was growing in various circles and it was becoming more and more difficult to remain neutral. There were some groups who wanted to bring the WereCats into the war by any methods necessary even if that included bringing the war to them or breaking age-old taboos. Up to and including the kidnapping of prominent individuals to foster discord.


ShiningIce and MysticEyes had just recently celebrated the second season of their banding along with the birth of a male young one. These two proud young WereCats so in love with each other and the life they were building together just as fate had intended. Blissfully unaware their world was about to be ripped apart by powers far out of their control.

It was a sunny morning and the couple had gone for a walk, they were having a friendly debate about the naming ceremony for their son… She wanted to call him MischiefMaker while MysticEyes preferred NightShadow. Shining Ice argued that the name he picked was much too serious for a young one and as is WereFolk tradition the naming ceremony was only to choose the name that would be used through his early life. When he was old enough and had passed through his training and had his personal trek the time would come for him to select his own name. He could keep the name of his youth if he so wished but many young ones chose a new name based on adventures and desires for the future.

Being close to the lands of the WereTigers the two sweethearts may have been somewhat off guard as they walked through the woods. Laughing together as they discussed how their young one would someday be the finest wizard the ShadowJaguar Tribe had known since the FirstOnes. Suddenly a noise crashed through the trees to the left of them, each without comment or sound changed to half then to full animal form, separated and began to circle toward the sound.

MysticEyes not being as familiar with the area may have moved more slowly than ShiningIce. However, upon hearing another crash, unnatural screeching and a roar from his beloved he threw caution to the wind and rushed toward the noise. The scene that greeted him was a chaotic jumble of leaves, fur, claws, scales, flying blood and wings. It was a huge winged dragon, like something out of a nightmare. This beast had ShiningIce gripped in its talons, and was apparently trying to fly away with her. ShiningIce was thrashing about attempting to work free of the piercing claws. A horrendous caterwauling was coming from the monster and its wings were crashing into the trees. MysticEyes roared his anger and transformed to half-form but before he could launch an attack against the brutish monstrosity, it blinked out of existence. ShiningIce's limp and bloodied body crashed to the ground with a sickening thud.

Realizing that whatever the thing was it was gone now; MysticEyes immediately rushed to where ShiningIce had fallen. Transforming to human he knelt at her side. Blood was pumping from a slash across her chest, he tried to hold the gaping wound together, but it was too big. Even his magic could not stop the flow of her life's blood; he could not imagine his life without her, but knew she could not survive the wound.

ShiningIce knew she was dying, she whispered for MysticEyes to come closer. He leaned down and gently kissed her lips looking deeply into her eyes, he saw his own reflection, the tears flowing from his eyes.

Her body was growing cold everywhere… except where she could feel his hands on her… his soft lips kissing her cheek. ShiningIce was remembering her life in bits and pieces, tasting again the sweetness of their first meeting, her body thrilling with the memory of their first touch. She looked deeply into his eyes for the last time and said, "my most dearest love, watch over our son, NightShadow, I know he will be the finest wizard of the ShadowJaguar."

MysticEyes wanted to rush to the WereTiger community to report what had occurred but he knew that time was short for ShiningIce. Revenge would come later, he would find that monster, whatever it was and he would destroy it. But for now he smiled at her, caressed her cheek and said, "my one precious love, I shall train NightShadow well, our son will be a wondrous sorcerer."

He held her until her body grew cold in his arms and then carried her back to the habitat. The sentries at the gate who had been laughing and talking immediately rushed out to help him carry his beloved to her family's habitat. The chief of the tribe SilverFang was also the father of ShiningIce; her mother StripedIce was the tribal physician.

MysticEyes lay their daughter at their feet, knelt and told the story of what had occurred in the forest. StripedIce looked over her daughter's wounds and with tears in her eyes silently told SilverFang that nothing could have saved their young one from this fate. When he mentioned the monster and how it had blinked into nothingness like magic MysticEyes saw a stiff jolt run through SilverFang's body.

SilverFang sent out messengers to all of the WereCat tribes, requesting representatives from each. He called for a war council to begin immediately upon the completion of the solemn rites that would celebrate the life of she who had been his daughter, the banded mate of MysticEyes and the mother of NightShadow.

The story of the attempted abduction and subsequent death of the daughter of the tribal leader of the famed WhiteTiger clan quickly spread through WereFolk society. The WereCat council met and decided upon hearing the story MysticEyes told that dark magic was at the core and it's resulting chaos must be destroyed.

MysticEyes became a hero during the war and eventually he did find and kill the dark force that was behind his beloved's death. The war went on for several years and many died, but upon its end MysticEyes went to the home of his mate's parents and claimed his son NightShadow to raise. He remembered his promise to ShiningIce and planned to make her wishes come true.

While the ShadowJaguar Tribe had not been totally decimated by the war, some of the best had sacrificed themselves, and more magicians were greatly desired. The tribal leadership welcomed MysticEyes quite heartily when he came home with his son NightShadow.

For the first time since MysticEyes had lost his beloved ShiningIce he was able to relax. His heart swelled with love and happiness watching his young son go to training with the elders at the age of 8. Every time he looked at NightShadow he saw ShiningIce, her passion for life, her twinkling eyes were reborn in their son. Slowly MysticEyes began to heal emotionally and accepted the loss of his love and took joy in the life they had made together.

Just as MysticEyes had promised his beloved before she died, he trained their son in all the ways of magic. In teaching his son he honed his own skills and became an elder with the Sorcerers Guild. He watched with pride, as NightShadow did indeed become the finest wizard the ShadowJaguar Tribe had ever known to that time. Because of his honored place among the wizards of Dreemlyn MysticEyes was eventually asked to be head of the guild where he stayed until his death more than a century after the death of ShiningIce.


SilverFur's emotions were running rampant as she watched her beloved die and as she felt a mother's pride in NightShadow's accomplishments. Tears were flowing down her lovely face and she did not care that her emotions had brought her to half-form. She felt safer than she could ever remember when she opened her eyes and GhostHeart was holding her in the warmth of his embrace.

As GhostHeart felt her gaze upon him he looked into her sweet eyes and lightly traced her tears with his finger. Taking her hand he said, "my Sweetheart, come with me, I want to tell you the rest of the story."

SilverFur allowed herself to be led to the base of a large tree. A soft pallet of furs lay over a mound of leaves. The two sat upon the pile of furs and holding her hands GhostHeart began to try to tell SilverFur why he had come to her this way.

GhostHeart explained, "in all of our incarnations before the war separated us we had died either together or within a short period of time of each other. But this time our deaths were separated by more than 100 years. Your soul may have waited a time for mine in the nether world but as chaos would have it the time came for you to be reincarnated into another body long before mine died. The truth is I am not even sure how many incarnations might have passed for each of us since we were together as MysticEyes and ShiningIce."

It was possible that each of them had been reincarnated a number of times, there was no way to know for sure. The actual dates of the war were lost to history, all knew of its existence of course but dates were just not important in Dreemlyn legend.

As he told her the story he held her hands, and stared into her eyes. Her heart soared to think that he had found her this time… that they would be together, that they could build a life, that they could again be what fate intended, together forever…

SilverFur began to understand at last what her friends meant when they spoke of their love, what it meant to feel a part of another. She began to dream of being his banded mate, of having his children… and then she heard him say…

"It was only luck that I found you at all, I came from many years in the future and it is only by the power of Celestial Phantasm that I am here with you this night. Oh, my dearest Sweetheart we must make this the best night that two lovers ever had."

As he felt her tense at his words, he stopped long enough to kiss her lips and then he continued his explanation…

"I found you many years from now my love, and I truly believe fate led me to you then so we could have this time together now. I can not and will not tell you when and how I found you because it might affect how you live your life. My Sweetheart, please understand this is the way it has to be, we can love this night and in the future we will know each other. I don't know what our future together might be, but there may be a way to put things right again."

SilverFur listened to his words and tried to absorb all these new feelings. She still didn't understand exactly what he meant when he said they only had this one night, yet they would know each other in the future. She was confused and everything was happening way too fast. SilverFur put a finger to GhostHeart's lips to stop him from talking.

She said, "GhostHeart, I am afraid, my head tells me I should run from you but somehow my heart and soul already belong to you. Please just tell me so I understand why it is that we only have this one night. Why you and I can not be together now and forever?"

He smiled at her and taking her hand he reached toward the globe that still pulsed with light on the altar. His eyes stared into hers and he began to kiss her lips so very softly, he began to apply pressure and she felt her insides heating, she felt herself changing to half form as he kissed her more deeply. When the kiss broke she opened her eyes to see that they were both in half form and everywhere they touched it was as if their fur was threading together. Silver had never felt more vital in her life. The shining orb was resting between their held hands. GhostHeart smiled at her and nodded toward the globe. She understood that he wanted her to once again close her eyes and open her mind.

A scene was suddenly in her thoughts, a gathering around a campfire, but she recognized no one. They all seem to be focused on one individual and as she looked closer she realized that it was her and yet not her. She was older, larger, in her human form… her hair was almost all silver, and she knew this must be from a moment in her future. Once again she looked more closely at the group of people that were with her, and still she saw no one she knew.

At her right was a large blonde male, he was making something, she could not tell what. He appeared to be a tinkerer of some kind, and she called him ToyMaker. SilverFur could recognize bear features in his mannerisms but could not discern the exact tribe. In any case he was asking her about a traveler they had met earlier in the day and whether or not she would allow him to join their quest. She looked over her shoulder toward a shadowy figure and as her older self focused on him his features became clear. It was GhostHeart, and he looked much as he did right now. The expression on his face was one of reflection but even then she could see that he looked at her older self with much love and respect.

Suddenly she understood what he had been trying to tell her. The two lovers had missed each other in any of those incarnations following that horrible war. By chance GhostHeart had met her in this incarnation but they were not of the same generation, he had found her when she was in her mid years but he was in his early adult time. His magic had allowed him to come and find her now to give them a chance to love again. The scene in her mind faded as she opened her eyes and looked at GhostHeart with wonder. He smiled at her as he saw the dawning of understanding on her face; she now understood why he was there.

GhostHeart explained to her that right now while he held her he felt the heart and soul of the mate he had loved forever, but the SilverFur he had met in his reality a week ago was sad and lonely, intense and distant. He tried to make sense as he told her that he couldn't just leave it alone. He couldn't risk the chance that they might never find each other again. That he had taken it upon himself to find her in the past so they could have this time together. He continued with the hope that when he returned to the future that they would be able to at least be honored friends.

SilverFur nodded her head as the last piece of the puzzle locked into place in her mind. While she doubted she would ever be able to explain it logically she resolved that for the first time in her adult life she should just go with the flow and enjoy the pleasure that was so obviously within her grasp. Deciding she really shouldn't examine why too closely, she just accepted that she wanted to give herself to him, she knew it was the right thing to do. He was her soul mate, she had no doubt about that now, he was her love, and she believed that the two of them deserved a chance to love each other for whatever time they had.

GhostHeart had been watching her closely and when she nodded he touched her face, she smiled that smile he loved. Her eyes twinkled in just that way he knew so well, she leaned over and she kissed his lips. His heart swelled as he realized that while they may not have long, they would have what they could have.

Taking her left hand in his he said, "in all of our lifetimes together you have been my banded mate, this time will be no different, I'm only sorry it can't be official." Watching her eyes all the while he began kissing the tips of each finger starting with her smallest and working to her thumb. As he kissed her thumb, he tickled the tip with his tongue making her giggle. He laughed out loud and sucked her thumb into his mouth swirling his tongue around and around its base.

SilverFur felt heat rising throughout her body and her thumb tingled at his sensuous touch. She shivered as his sweet mouth released its hold on her thumb. When she looked at her hand, she realized that there was a sparkle that had not been there before. Looking closer she saw a white metal circle surrounding her thumb.

He raised that banded hand to his mouth and kissed it saying, "my Sweetheart, please consider this token a pledge of the love I hold for you, be my banded mate for at least this night. If you choose to leave the band in Twixt I will understand, but it will always be there if you need it to remind you that we had this night to love each other."

Once again she found herself focusing on the glowing orb, the two celestial bodies burning together. She realized for the first time that the sliver of the moon was moving over the face of the sun, ever so slowly. She looked at her beloved's face and asked, "when the moon has crossed over the face of the sun, does that mean our time is done?"

Looking deeply into her love filled eyes he said, "yes my dearest Sweetheart, it is the way of Celestial Phantasm. The eclipse can be slowed but it can not be halted. My magic has allowed me to all but stop time for everyone but the two of us. When the eclipse is done, time will go back to normal speed, and each of us will go back to our own reality."


SilverFur lay back and opened her arms beckoning GhostHeart to claim the love he had awakened in her. The time for explanations was done for now, the eclipse was half through, and the two lovers had only a short time to fulfill their desire for each other.

A blissful smile crossed his handsome face as GhostHeart leaned down and kissed the lips of she who was his banded mate once again. The two eternal lovers moved in an age-old rhythm of tastes, sensations and rapturous joy. Their bodies rediscovered past pleasures and delights that made their hearts soar to exhilarating heights.

Where once there had been two separate halves, looking for something to make them whole, now there was… mated souls, whose hearts touched, whose bodies merged, whose fur blended. Their love was palpable as they rejoiced in each other. Deep purrs of satisfaction and joy emitting from their throats the two WereCats looked deeply into each other's eyes and felt euphoric pleasure in the night they had shared. Closing their eyes they fell asleep in each other's embrace.


Every nerve in her body felt as if it had been brought to attention and stroked. SilverFur was lying on her side fully sated and more alive than she had ever imagined possible. GhostHeart was lying behind her, his lips close to her ear. His gentle voice whispering sweet words that made her smile and tingle all over… He spoke of his love, how much he would miss her, how much he hoped they could be together again someday.

Though she wished she could lie like this with him forevermore SilverFur stretched as she turned to kiss her lover's sweet lips and then she sat up. Her eyes fell upon the shining globe and she saw that their time together was growing short and soon they would have to find the strength to part. Transforming to full human form and clothing herself she turned again to GhostHeart and smiled, she stood reaching out her banded hand.

GhostHeart understood that they needed to have their good-byes now and transformed himself as well. He stood and took her outstretched hand, kissing the ring he had placed there; together they walked to the altar. GhostHeart carried the orb so they could see the passage of the eclipse. He knew how easy it would be for them to get lost in each other's eyes and suddenly be torn apart by time.

SilverFur looked into his eyes and said, "what now my love?" She was trying so hard to be strong, but tears were freely flowing down her face.

GhostHeart knew how difficult this was going to be for both of them; he smiled at his love. He said, "you will go back to your cave and go to sleep. When you wake up you may wonder if all of this was a dream, but I think you will know the truth. I hope that you will find happiness in the life you choose. What your future will be I can not say, only time will tell.

"I will go back to my own time and hope that I can live a life as honorable as yours. That somehow our futures will merge together and we will fulfill fate's wishes and in the next incarnation our lives will be lived together again.

"The time is here my Sweetheart, you can not watch the end of the eclipse, you must go back to your cave. Know that I love you beyond measure and that somehow, someway, someday we will be together again for all time."

Tears flooding down her face SilverFur simply nodded her agreement, she knew that she could say nothing. That her heart had this night been filled to overflowing and words were not necessary.

Slowly she made her way back to the cave, once inside the entrance she turned to see him watching her. Her love was standing at the altar; he nodded to her and smiled, putting his hands on either side of the globe. The orb became brighter, so bright it hurt her eyes… she backed away from the entrance knowing that the eclipse was almost done.

Transforming herself from human to half to full tiger she padded back to her sleep area in the cave. All was as it had been when she had left the night before, the fire burning in slow motion, GentlePaws and HerbalRain sleeping soundly. She lay down on her sleeping furs and before she knew it sleep had overtaken her.


Hushed voices awakened SilverFur; they seemed to be having an argument of some kind. GentlePaws and HerbalRain were on the other side of the cave speaking in hushed tones. SilverFur could tell that her sister was worried and immediately rose from her pallet transforming to human. All discussion stopped as the two realized that SilverFur was awake and watching them.

Quickly GentlePaws ran to her sister and said, "Silver, are you alright, I have been so worried, the day is half gone and we could not awaken you."

SilverFur was very confused and extremely hungry. She shook her head and said to her younger sister, "Paws, I think I am alright, but I feel dizzy and I am very hungry."

HerbalRain walked over to Silver and put her hand on her brow looking closely at her eyes. The healer turned to GentlePaws and said, "she does not seem to have a fever, and the fact that she wants to eat is a good sign. I think she just needs some nourishment for now. Perhaps some of your stew and a bit of vine tea with honey will help."

Watching the healer closely Silver could tell she had more to say. Once Paws busied herself at the fire, HerbalRain motioned to SilverFur to sit down. In a voice that only Silver could hear the healer quietly said, "I realize I don't know you very well, and have only begun to know your sister. But it is obvious that something unusual has happened to you. I will not press if you do not wish to talk, but your sister may not let it go. She has been in an anxious state most of the day."

SilverFur felt very odd, she was indeed dizzy and very hungry, she realized that HerbalRain was just trying to do what was natural for her to do. Silver nodded and said, "I need time to think, maybe we can talk later but really I am unsure now of what has occurred. I feel as if I have been lost in a dream."

HerbalRain smiled and said, "well, as long as you will promise to have something to eat and rest I will suggest that your sister leave any questions until you are ready to talk. As far as I can tell you are healthy and other than tired perfectly alright."

Before Silver could agree to the healer's terms her sister brought over a bowl of stew in one hand and a mug of tea in the other. GentlePaws looked her sister over in concern, but could see that she really was unharmed. Knowing how SilverFur preferred to work things out in her mind before talking, GentlePaws nodded to herself as if she was working out something in her own.

GentlePaws turned to HerbalRain and said, "unless you think there is something wrong with Silver, I guess the best thing to do is just to let her eat and then get some rest. It is really too late to travel today anyway and we have no planned schedule."

Silver smiled at her younger sister in appreciation and said, "thanks sis, after I finish this stew I would like to go out for some fresh air, then see how I feel. You are right we can get an early start tomorrow."

Both girls looked at the healer, who just nodded her agreement, after all this was their trek, she enjoyed traveling with them and there was no rush to get anywhere. It was obvious the sisters were friends and fiercely protective of each other, she was not going to interfere with that. HerbalRain was older and a mother many times over, she knew that the relationship between siblings was something to be respected. HerbalRain smiled and poured herself a mug of tea. She just kindly said, "keeping up with you two requires a lot of energy, I will be glad to rest another day."

SilverFur ate her stew and drank her tea, she had been pretty sure her sister would let her have some time to herself for now. Their relationship had always been one of trust and part of that trust was that one never invaded the other's privacy. They respected each other and once GentlePaws knew that Silver was physically safe she would protect her right to secrecy if needed. She finished the delicious stew and drank up her tea. She did indeed feel better though she really did want to get out of the cave for awhile.

Changing to half form, then to tiger SilverFur stood up and slowly made her way to the entrance of the cave. She turned and looked to her sister and with a quiet nod assured her that everything was fine, and went out for some fresh air. The area was quiet and she loved the way the breeze ruffled her fur.

She headed toward the clearing and without thinking changed to half and by the time she reached the altar she was in her human form. Silver turned back toward the cave and saw Paws watching her. She waved as her sister went back into the cave.

SilverFur turned back to the altar and resting her clasped hands on top. She looked down and saw that the white metal band was on her thumb just as she had hoped it would be. Smiling at the memory of how GhostHeart had placed the ring on her thumb she opened her clasped hands and found resting between them a small amulet on a chain.

Looking closely she saw that it was a tiny replica of the sun and moon held in stasis with their lips poised for a kiss. It was identical to what she had seen when she first looked at the orb last night. The charm was suspended from a white metal chain with tiny golden beads; it would fit nicely around her neck when she was in human form.

Her heart swelled as she realized that GhostHeart had sent the gift to Twixt to come to her at just the right time. Perhaps to give her strength to remember that though they could not be together now it did not mean that their love was less vital than it had been in any other lifetime.

She wondered if the talisman in her hand would work as the orb had and closed her eyes and opened her mind. Her breath caught in her throat as he was there before her. His sweet mouth smiling at her, his intense eyes filled with love and unshed tears.

"My Sweetheart the amulet is yours to hold and wear as you like, it is a way for us to have a connection always. In your life when you are sad and lonely you may be able to find me in time using it, I don't know for sure. Anything is possible, remember those words always my beloved for it is true, by Diana and by the fates… anything is possible…"

"Live your life well, do not waste it hurrying time to find me, the years will pass as they always do and when we are meant to be together again fate will make it so. My hope is that when next we meet in this lifetime we will be friends even if we can be nothing else. What will be… will be."

SilverFur opened her eyes and breathed deeply as she secured the chain around her neck. In her quiet voice she began to pray…

Diana help me to be strong
Now that my love is gone...

As always time will have its way
I know that fate will have its say…

Into my life my Wizard came
My reality may never be the same...

The Eclipsing Sun and Moon
Brought our two hearts in tune...

My Magician GhostHeart came to me
He showed me what passion could be…

In my dreams he will always stay
Once again our love will have its day...

With a kiss he captivated my soul
With his touch he made me whole…
With his love he made my spirit soar
With hope we will be together once more…

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